Deadline Fever

So yesterday?

I felt like crap.

Muscled through 4 client calls.

Cancelled my afternoon session with my trainer…

And when I got home?

Took my temperature, and this is what it read:

Needless to say…

Went to bed, tried to rest for a few hours…

(Difficult when you have a 2 yr old who wants to play with daddy the second you step in the door :-) …)

And I woke up…

In a puddle of sweat… clothes and sheets soaked… teeth chattering… with the most splitting headache ever.

Good times, right?

(Fever broke last night, and while I’m still not 100% – the only time I’ve ever missed a day of work, was when I slipped into diabetic ketoacidosis – was rushed to the ER and spent 3 days in the ICU in 2012. Anything short of that? I’m here.)

So anyway…

A couple lessons here:


I’ve been pushing the envelope quite a bit recently…

Running at break-neck speed.

Between sold out masterminds (next one this weekend)…

A booked-solid coaching practice…

And done-for-you funnel built-outs booked through April/May right now…

I’ve been burning the candle on both ends…

(Which is why I finally decided to bring on one – or maybe two – full-time copywriters…)

And because I’ve only been giving myself about 5-6 hrs of sleep a night to make all this happen…

(Something I’m trying to work on this year…)

Yesterday was a good reminder of what happens when you think you’re super-human…


Related to our conversation on DEADLINES.

Sometimes, you gotta let them slide a bit…

Because after all…

You don’t wanna let them make you SICK, right?

Which brings us to the marketing lesson for the day:

Because when it comes to your funnels…

We already know you need to be using deadlines every step of the way…

(We talked about the REASONS why, yesterday…)

But, the question is this:

What do you do after your deadlines have PASSED?

Well…. here’s what I do:

I give them a second chance.


Isn’t that completely hypocritical double-speak based on what I said yesterday?

The answer is no, baby cakes.

And here’s why:

(btw – shout out to my O4 partner in crime Ben Settle for letting my license the term “baby cakes” (patent pending) :-)


First, the key thing with deadlines is you want to let people know you’re serious.

That you mean business…

So when you say the deadline is Friday @ 4:59PM.

You take the page down. Done.

But here’s the kicker:

You replace that offer page with a “priority notification list” page – for folks to be notified the NEXT time you make that same deal available.

(Following me on this?)

So then, you’ve got this list of people, who MISSED the original deadline…

Who signed up to be NOTIFIED the next time you make that same deal available…

(Startin’ to see where I’m going with this?)

Let me ask you a question:

How bad do you think those people WANT what they missed out on?

And do you think those people know you mean business…

If you decide to re-open the opportunity for 24 hours – say, a few days or few weeks later?


(Taking notes on this, btw?)

Now, just like most things in business…

The devil’s in the details, here.

The language you use needs to be tight.

The persuasion elements need to be stacked in the right order…

And the way you re-open the offer needs to be done right.

You can’t be sloppy with this stuff, otherwise you’ll look like an amateur…

(And if you’re not careful, you can also come across like a total a-hole that nobody wants to buy from…)

There’s a thin line you’ve gotta toe here.

And in case you’re wondering?

Yes, the nuances of this little technique is something I’ve perfected.

Like the Dos Equis guy:

“I don’t always reopen my deadlines, but when I do? This is how I do it…”

Make sense?


Tomorrow, we continue the conversation…

In the meantime…

Stay thirsty my friends…

Peace out!

Ryan :-)

PS – Want some help building up a waitlist like this for YOUR business?

Let me show you how this works:

In the past 2 days, I’ve got 47 people signed up for my own private coaching waitlist…

And because I’m only opening 1 or 2 spots (at most), people are already emailing asking if they can get one of those spots before they go live…

Which means I expect the slots to go fast.

(Want to build in this kind of demand for what YOU sell?)

Here’s what to do:

If you’d like a chance to grab one of those spots (even if you’re just possibly interested) sign up for my private coaching wait-list by visiting:

Make sure you get on the list before Friday, February 21st @ 4:59PM b/c that’s when I’ll be making the spots up for grabs.



Tomorrow – I’m gonna show you a technique I like to use called “Deadline Stacking”… ties everything we’ve covered so far this week together…

I think you’ll like this one…

Stay tuned :-)