My Marketing “Man Crush”?

So I was watching TV in bed with my wife a few weeks ago…

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

And made a comment about how I thought Jimmy was really hitting his stride.

(Beyond the obvious fact that he’s taking over for Leno…)

I’m talking more about his STYLE.

Because personally?

I wasn’t a big fan of his in his SNL days.

But now?

I feel like he’s REALLY got it dialed in.

Found his groove.

And I love watching him.

In fact, I’ve been soaking up a his entire body of work.

Her response?

“Yo, they have a word for that. It’s called a “Man Crush. Now go to bed…

And for some reason, I get like that:

I’ll find someone that really has their sh*t together.

Someone who’s really on top of their game.

I’ll get seduced.

And then…


I’ll study everything they put out.

Like a binge diet.

This is especially true when it comes to sharpening the marketing & persuasion saw for me.

After being at this game full-time for almost a decade now…

Every once in a while…

Very infrequently these days…

Just when it feels like I’ve heard everything on the topic of copy and persuasion…

And it feels like I KNOW everything on the topic…

I’ll stumble on someone…

Someone that really surprises me.

Teaches me a ton of stuff.

And takes my own thinking to the next level.

My most recent Man Crush?

Is this guy by the name of Colin Theriot.

You may know the guy.

(I didn’t until recently. And yes. I HAVE been living under a rock, I know.)


He runs a FB group called “Cult of Copy”. You can check it out here:

(Tell Colin I sent you. It’s free – and I get no kickbacks.)

Anyway, the dude is insanely smart.

Very insightful.

Does a great job of articulating his thinking on the topic of copy of persuasion.

(He has no idea I’m writing this, btw…)

I’m in the middle of soaking up everything he’s put out.

And that point of that is this:

Your 10,000 hour clock never stops.

Even when you’re a the top of your game.

Even when you’re highly in demand for what you do.

Even when there’s a line out the door waiting to hire you.

The moment you think you know it all?

You’re done.

So when you find that person…

Soak up everything they say.

By the way…

In case you’re curious…

That’s exactly what I did with one my earliest online mentors – Dr. Glenn Livingston – back in 2007.

First, as a customer…

Second, as a private coaching student…

Third, by coaching HIS students under him using his system…

(After personally launching two high six-figure businesses – outside the the IM space using his methods…)

Then finally…

Fourth, by coaching people using my OWN system – derived in part based on the methods I mastered working under Dr. Glenn.

And now?

Glenn and I are close friends.

We’ve partnered on a number of different projects.

Hiked the mountains of NH a bunch of times.

And even explored buying several million dollar businesses together.

(Which we still might do, by the way.)

So the point of all that is this:

When you find someone whose style and thinking resonates with you.

Who’s been where you’re looking to go…

Or who’s done what you’re looking to do…

You either…

a.) Pay them to coach you.

b.) Get them on your team to do it for you.

That’s how you get a one-way ticket to successville my friend.

Peace Out!

Ryan :-)

PS – Yesterday I promised to tell you the #1 most important person I’ve hired.

Can you wait another day?

Well you’ll have to, cuz this email is dang long enough as it is, and I’m about to hop on a client call – so I gotsta run!