FREE VIDEO 3 of 3: How To Cross The “Precipice of Sales Persuasion”

If you REALLY want to improve your persuasion skills, without spending years touring Ivy League campuses and reading dry, mind-numbing (and dusty) text books…

… then the single most important thing to do right now is to focus your attention and discover how to quickly and easily…

Cross the “Precipice of Sales Persuasion”…

Specifically, you’ll discover how the right “labeling” can do things like “fast-track” trust and comfort in your prospect’s mind (especially when they’re feeling tense and “on defense”)…

And act kinda like a “trust-injector” helping your sales messages slide right past your prospect’s unconscious objections throughout your entire presentation…

So if you’d like to see how you can radically improve your conversions — and at the same time become an instant authority in your niche…

Go ahead and click on the link below to start watching this FREE video clip now:

By the way… In case you’re curious, this FREE video clip is taken from last week’s (October 31, 2014) Next Level Mastermind Call.

These are monthly, member-only calls where we dissect the most advanced conversion strategies from over 20+ niches…

And you can learn more about how to get the full replay at any time by visiting:

And becoming a paid member inside the Next Level Group Mastermind.

When you’re inside, you’ll discover secrets like…

  • How To Use The Coveted “Maximum Cash Extraction” Back End Email Promotion To Generate Evergreen Income…
  • How Not Spending On Copywriting Is Costing You BIG
  • How to Increase Conversions Using Qualitative Data (and where to get the data in the first place)…

And much much more…

So to learn about how be apart of this mastermind, all you need to do is visit:

Okay. I’ll leave you with that for now…

Thanks so much for watching and I’ll talk to you again soon…

Ryan :-)

P.S.  If you missed FREE Video #1, you can watch it here, and Video #2, here.