What I found in my attic this weekend…

So last week, my wife was freaking out.

Because while I was away in Vegas for my O4 Mastermind…

Apparently, she heard “foot-steps” in our attic…

And my wife?

Has gotta have like, the most vivid imagination ever…

Because she’s thinking the absolute worst…

So we call a guy.

Basically “Billy the Exterminator” Texas edition.

He comes to check things out.

His take?

We’ve gotta ‘possum up there.

(But we don’t need to worry – because apparently possums have the lowest core body temperature of any mammal – so they don’t carry diseases… And they’re nomadic. So our “guest” should move on in a couple ‘o weeks.)

But at this point?

It doesn’t matter…

Because my wife is COMPLETELY freaking out.

The moment the words “human-like skin” and “opposable thumbs” enter the conversation…

Her suitcase is half-packed.

Then the guy hits us with his quote to “take care of things”…

The price?

Well, here’s a photo of his quote:


Yeah, exactly.

No. F*cking. Way.

Now, my wife doesn’t even want to pay that kind of money…

So I decide to “handle things” myself…

And armed with my trusty flashlight…

And the seldom used “harpoon” from our fireplace accessory kit…

I boldly go to face this creature of destruction.

And what happened next?

Was the LAST thing I expected…

I’ll tell you how it all played out tomorrow…

Until then…

Peace out!

Ryan :-)

P.S. In case you’re wondering what the hell’s this story got to do with marketing and building your funnels?

A lot, actually.

Let’s get through the story and I’ll explain everything…

P.P.S. By the way… Remember that “countdown timer” in my email last week?

People have been asking me how I did that…

Well that thing relates to our story as well…

And I’ll explain the connection tomorrow…

I think you’ll want to see this…