Wrath of the Brown Sweatshirt

So last post we talked about deadlines…

What to do about “Deadline Dancers”…

And how to use deadlines in your funnels…

Today, I’ve got an embarrassing story to share…

Has to do with deadlines…

And relates to what we talked about yesterday.

(Also, includes a BIG marketing lesson – which is the reason why I think you’ll like it…)

Here’s what happened:

So this Friday (two days from now)…

I head to Vegas for my quarterly Ocean’s Four mastermind I host with Andre Chaperon, Ben Settle, and Jack Born.

(This is a high-ticket $10K event, geared toward serious high-level marketers…)

Anyway, in the past few days, I’ve been finalizing all the logistics…

And out of curiosity…

Wanted to see what time my flight leaves Austin on Friday…

So I go looking in my email…

And for some reason….

Can’t find the damn confirmation email…

So I login to my Southwest account online…

And there’s nothing under my account…

And after about 25 minutes of this, and calling the airline…

It comes to my attention that…

Guess what?

I never bought a f*cking ticket.

Yep, like I said last week… I’m a total idiot.

So at this point I’m scrambling to snatch a last-minute ticket online…

And guess what?

The r/t ticket…

Which would otherwise cost me $69 bucks each way on Southwest – direct flight from AUS to LAS…

Is now $881 bucks.


Now, the money?

Not really what I’m freaking out about.

But what has me in a cold-sweat panic?

Is the “Wrath of the Brown Sweatshirt”

aka. my lovely, precious wife.

Because here’s the thing:

The only thing running through my head at this point…

Is the vision I have of my wife wearing her favorite oversized Brown sweatshirt from college…

Laying the “Deadline Smackdown” on ME…

“What?! I asked you TEN times if you booked your flight… And you told me YES! I don’t care if you need to do 3 stops and a layover in Wisconsin, you’re booking the cheapest ticket available online… Period!…”

You can see the much more “gentle” (ahem) comment she left me as a public reminder in this Facebook thread here:


Anyway, the point is this:

Do you think I’ll be making this mistake again?

Never again.

And that’s the point.

That’s the TONE you want to set with your prospects.

You need to TRAIN them to know you mean business.

The “trick”, however is this:

Doing it without coming across like a total d*ck.

How do you do it?

Here’s the secret:

The “reason” for the deadline needs to be something outside your control.

(That’s a big tip there. You catch that?)

I’ll say it again:

The REASON for the deadline needs to be something OUTSIDE your control.

Make sense?

So, for example…

The reason for the Copywriting Apprentice deadline… Is because I have a client deadline coming up in two weeks, and need to bring someone on board before that project starts…

Or if you’re selling a physical product…

The reason the discount expires in 24 hours, is because we have a new shipment coming in and there’s no space on the shelves… So we need to get rid of our current stock before then.

Get the picture?

In other words, the deadline can’t be because of something YOU decided…

Can’t be because “we may take this video down at anytime” without any explanation as to WHY…

Needs to be because of something beyond your control.

Capiche, compadre?

Btw – the second part to this, is knowing how to make yourself look like the HERO when you do the deadline…

This is something that’s a little advanced, and beyond what we can cover in this email…

(Hint: It comes down to how you position the deadline…)

And in case you’re wondering, this is yet another one of those nuanced persuasion things I sprinkle into all the funnels I build for clients…

VERY powerful when done right.

Okay. So, where do you go from here?

Well the question you want to be asking yourself is this:

Are you using deadlines in your stuff?

(Yes? Okay good.)

What about in your evergreen funnels?

(Don’t know how to do that? Well I can show you…)

And how about your REASON WHY… Got that dialed in?

(No? Well, you want some help with that?)

Tomorrow we’ll continue the conversation…

Next we’ll talk about what to do once your deadlines has passed…

(Hint: Has to do with “manufacturing” the Wrath of the Brown Sweatshirt with your audience….)

For now…

Peace out!

Ryan :-)

P.S. Most likely, if you’re reading this… You and I will never work together. It’s just a fact. Yes, I’m lethal with the stuff we’ve been talking about (but I’m also pretty expensive).

And the way I work…

I only work with one company per niche.

It’s an exclusivity deal.

Meaning, I’m selective in who I work with.

(There’s a reason I chose to work with the #1 Golf Site in the world – after turning down two other golf companies…)

And many of the big niches are already locked down (with a few notable exceptions…)


I also take on 20 private coaching clients at any one time.

This is different from my done-for-you stuff.

This is how to get access to Ryan for less than 1/10th the cost of hiring me to write all your copy / build all your funnels for you.

Problem is this:

Right now, my coaching practice is 100% booked up.

Has been for the last 6 months…

But I’m about to bring on 1 and possibly 2 copywriters…

Which will allow me to open up 1 or 2 additional coaching spots.

So if you’re interested in gettin’ some help with your biz…

(Or you’re even just curious to see what I do…)

Here’s what I recommend:

Go ahead and sign up here to be added to my “priority notification wait-list” here:


I’ll be opening either 1 or 2 spots two weeks from now.

Which means, the deadline to get yourself on that list is Feb 21st @ 4:59PM CST.

And by the way?…

These spots go fast.

Every time I’ve done this, they get snatched up within a few hours.

(One time in less than 15 minutes)

So if you ARE interested…

Sign up for the list and mark your calendar.

Don’t make me unleash the Wrath of the Brown Sweatshirt on your ass :-)

P.P.S. – Reason for that Feb 21st deadline? Because that’s when I wrap up this big Alkaline Health funnel I’m working on right now…

And because I’ve been working so many late nights and weekends recently…

My wife has FORBIDDEN me to take on anything else until that funnel is finished.

P.P.P.S. – So what DO you do after your deadlines have passed?

That’s our topic for tomorrow (I think you’ll like this one…)

Stay tuned…